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  Conventional Fishing  

If you fish all the time or have never fished at all, we have you covered! We thrive on catering to the hardcore anglers, but also introducing new people to the sport. Every angler has a preference and style that we can accommodate. 


In general, we are a catch and release outfit searching for trophy fish, in pristine areas of Ontario. 















Kids, adults and even 90+ year old seniors have all hooked up with beautiful fish, and lasting memories. Some come for the scenery and boat rides alone!


With our fly fishing and conventional guiding experience, it makes our program quite versatile. We have fine tuned the time management aspect for each method, to maximize your success.















We have a run-and-gun approach, moving spot to spot throughout the day. Time management is key to success. You won't find us sitting in one place that isn't producing for too long. We never run out of spots to fish in a day, we only run out of time!














Neil is always finding new spots on the lakes and rivers to expand the program, and create the ultimate  experience. 















There are endless opportunities for you to explore with us!

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Our Location

Summer: Nipigon, Ontario 

Winter: Southern Ontario

Tel: 1-519-503-CAST (2278)​

Ask the Captain

Thanks for Contacting Affinity Angling!

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